I had a good day today, three pennies and a rare quarter, all logged on my cashtrail map to the right. I was feeling particularly happy about bagging my 28 cents. Happy that was until I came across the headlines, and dug further into the AIG bailout.
Long story short AIG (AIG.N) came back for more bailout funds from the Treasury (so I guess consequently Goldman will have another good quarter), they were given another $30 Billion. For those of you keeping score at home that's a total of $182 Billion so far. Actually that is not totally accurate, this time they only got $29.835 Billion because the government held back $165 Million to offset the outrageous bonus payments last month. Well that showed them didn't it? I can't see them paying out anymore taxpayer funded bonuses when the Government takes such heavy handed punitive action such as this! My 28 cents kind of shriveled in my pocket as I was reading the article.
-Luke Sidewalker
-Current balance $7.80
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