Mrs. Sidewalker has been doing most of the finding lately. It seems every time she goes somewhere and parks the car she gets out and finds some money. Her successes include a dime and three quarters in the last two days. I have chipped in with six cents myself. The locations of the finds can be found on my cashtrail to the right.
I read a story that in the U.K. there are a lot of counterfeit one pound coins in circulation. Don't the criminals know it is a lot cheaper and legal to just find the real coins on the floor. The story can be found here.
In other news today it looks like the time has expired on Chrysler's parking meter as they will file for some form of bankruptcy once the unions, creditors and government are done bickering over the last couple of billion dollars.
I will be publishing my month end report later today, so keep an eye out for that to follow my progress.
-Luke Sidewlaker
-Current balance $8.72
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