It's Friday, so that means it's time once again to open the Sidewalker "virtual" mailbag. I'm happy to make this a regular Friday feature as long as I keep on getting the correspondence. So I will keep you waiting no longer, here are this weeks offerings:
"I'm pretty sure I saw 10c on 5th & Hudson this morning, but "Ron Jeremy" the friendly neighborhood hobo probably got it!"
- VanessaG5484 New Jersey, U.S.A via Twitter
[LS: This is scary, I think I know that guy. The hobo that is!]
"You got me to thinking, H1N1 is one (of many) reasons why I choose not to pick up coins, bills are one thing - credit cards are good!"
- visualdeviant Nevada, U.S.A. via Twitter
[LS: This one had me panicking for a while until I did the research, and discovered it is very difficult for a virus to exist for any length of time on a metallic surface.]
"I recommend @LukeSidewalker - clever twitter handle, funny idea and charmingly funny to read what he's doing."
- BarbaraHauck Arizona, U.S.A. via Twitter
[LS: Thanks Barbara, another one to file in the "Flattery will get you everywhere" category!]
Just to show that we are fair and balanced here at Castle Sidewalker and the blog is not all shameless self-promotion, I just pulled this little gem from the mailbag.
"@LukeSidewalker you have THE stupidest twitter I've ever seen. Well done, you really capture the spirit of twatter."
- saltwatersound U.S.A. via Twitter
[LS: Errr, thank you for the interaction, I guess. I appreciate the help in keeping me well grounded. I hope your day improves!]
Have a great weekend
-Luke Sidewalker
-Current balance $12.06
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