It was a momentous day at Castle Sidewalker today, and I'm not referencing the 15 cents I managed to pocket. Today was the first day at school for Sidewalker Jr., I played the part of the proud father admirably well! I sent him on his way with his rucksack full of supplies for the coming term. I cautioned him that school would probably be a barren wasteland as far as finding change goes. Last time I checked pre-K was largely a cashless environment, so I tempered his expectations accordingly.
When I picked him up his teacher said, "His ability to draw rainbows is somewhat behind that of his classmates, however his grasp of Keynesian Economics is formidable for one so young!" This disappointed me greatly, as I have always been a big fan of the Austrian School of Economics, obviously my hours of tutoring had not permeated the depths of his unfettered noggin. Oh well, each to his own, he is on his own voyage of discovery now and I'm looking forward to hearing his many 'tales of the classroom' in the years ahead.
Now all I have to do is get Little Miss Sidewalker into a school and I may be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
In other news, keep an eye out for the second Shopping with Sidewalker feature which will be posted tomorrow.
-Luke Sidewalker
-Current balance $20.89
I wonder if Sidewalker Jr. can wring the last drop of beer from the bottle like his father could at that age...?
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