Days since inception: 546
Cash balance: $12.24 (all time)
Cents per day: 2.2418 (since inception)
Predicted day for $1,000,000: Thursday November 7th 124,137 AD
= 1,077.59 oz of Gold @ $928.00 (as per Nymex close near month)
= 14,271.44 barrels of oil @ $70.07 (as per Nymex close Light Sweet Crude near month)
= 73,664.82 oz of Silver @ $13.575 (as per Nymex close near month)
The big push in June has sliced just over 17,000 years off the projected completion date. I have managed to get my cents per day rate since inception over the psychological 2 cents per day mark. I have some travel plans during the next two months, it will be interesting to see if the new hunting grounds will accelerate or derail my quest. I will give a few clues to my destination a little closer to departure date.
I have set myself a target of $15 in total by the end of July. I will have to get lucky with a few quarters here and there, but fortune favors the brave...
-Luke Sidewalker
-Current balance $12.24
How old will you be in the year 124,137, Mr Sidewalker?
Considerably older than I am today.
-Luke Sidewalker
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