Here at Castle Sidewalker we are always trying to push the boundaries of money finding by using all the new tools that modern technology has to offer us, not only to find the money but to deliver the news of the finds in a timely manner to the blog. As you saw just a couple of days ago I started my Twitter account. Well it would appear my novice status with this medium only took two days to come to the fore. If you click on my Twitter updates in the sidebar to the right you will notice an error of epic proportions in my first four Tweeets. In my giddy eagerness to utilize this new tool I think I inadvertently robbed myself of a find and ergo I'm the tool! I had got a text message from a very good source that there was an assortment of coinage littering the sidewalk at 14th and Washington St. in Hoboken. Even after my last post stating that I would only Tweet for finds I could not resist and expanded my mandate ad hoc, but it seems my Tweet about a tip off actually became the tip off (for someone), because when I got to the location I only found two Budweiser bottle caps and an empty packet of Marlboro reds.
I'm ready to take the flack, in fact I'll save you the trouble. Greenhorn Sidewalker, Rookie Sidewalker, schoolboy error Sidewalker! The only redemption being the cent I found as I walked home with my tail firmly between my legs.
-Luke Sidewalker
-Current balance $10.28
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