Days since inception: 577
Cash balance: $15.39 (all time)
Cents per day: 2.6673 (since inception)
Predicted day for $1,000,000: Monday February 19th 104,655 AD
= 1,047.67 oz of Gold @ $954.50 (as per Nymex close near month)
= 14,388.49 barrels of oil @ $69.50 (as per Nymex close Light Sweet Crude near month)
= 71,864.89 oz of Silver @ $13.915 (as per Nymex close near month)
Another great effort in July has cut approximately 20,000 years from the completion date. It was touch and go whether or not I was going to reach my target total of $15 by the end of the month; with one day to go I still had a 2 cent deficit to make up. As you can see I made it with plenty to spare after a bonanza day in Red Bank, N.J. to finish off the month. I will cover the adventures of this trip next week. Other notable moments of the month included a positive article about the blog in The Jersey Journal by Troy Dreier, and of course the ongoing saga of the Starbucks gift card! I'd like to thank everyone for their words of encouragement, especially my followers on Twitter that are closing in on the 2,000 mark!
My target for August will be a little on the conservative side as we are off to Europe at the end of the month to see if we can find some ancient coins on the pavement there! I hope to have reached $17 by the end of this month.
Have a great weekend...
-Luke Sidewalker
-Current balance $15.39
If you end up anywhere near me I have some loose US coinage somewhere; if I drop it one the floor does that qualify for you to pick it up?
That is all very circumstantial. But if you drop, you walk, and I pick up. I don't know if that will hold water with the purists out there...
Maybe you have addressed this before, but I wonder if you pick up more pennies from the sidewalk than Google coughs up by way of the ads on your blog. Having done the Google thing, I'd bet the sidewalks are winning by a mile.
Agreed! I just tell myself that no one sees the adverts because my they get blinded by the strength of my content!
Have a great day,
-Luke Sidewalker
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