Days since inception: 608
Cash balance: $20.13 (all time)
Cents per day: 3.3108(since inception)
Predicted day for $1,000,000: Monday March 28th 84,704 AD
= 1,050.75 oz of Gold @ $951.70 (as per Nymex close near month)
= 14,318.44 barrels of oil @ $69.50 (as per Nymex close Light Sweet Crude near month)
= 67,082.57 oz of Silver @ $14.907 (as per Nymex close near month)
Another incredible month at Castle Sidewalker and the totals are in. For the first time in the history of my quest the predicted end date is within 100,000 years of today! If I ever needed a sign that my quest was achievable I think I have it in that prediction date!
I have had some great finds this month with the Sidewalk Sofa incident, and my very successful trip overseas. I will give you more details of that trip in the posts of the coming days. The more observant of you will have noticed my total jumped from $18.30 to $20.13 without much documentation, I will fill you in on the missing details of that $1.83 shortly.
My target for the end of September is to have more than $23 in the Sidewalker Fund. A little ambitious, maybe, but my upcoming schedule requires I spend more time in Manhattan this month, so lets see how that pans out.
On Friday 4th September I will be heading to the US Open to do an article for FiLife.com. I hope to have that ready for publishing early next week, so keep an eye out for that.
Keep on looking down fellow Sidewalkers...
-Luke Sidewalker
-Current balance $20.13
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