When I first started this blog I was writing for an audience of one (if you included me). After an hour I was very proud as my readership had exploded by 400%, until that is, Mrs. Sidewalker pointed out that Sidewalker Jr. and Little Miss Sidewalker can't read yet and two was a more realistic estimate of my following.
As time has passed the readership has expanded slowly but surely. Using all different avenues, such as word of mouth, friendships with other bloggers, and Twitter for example. The blog is no longer written by me, for me. It is now written by me, for me and YOU. And with that in mind I would like to thank anyone and everyone that has ever passed this link on to friends and family. This being my first blog of any substance (if you could call it that) I have resisted the urge to go back and rewrite any of the earlier posts now that I have a wider audience. I like to view their rawness as testament to how far the blog has progressed (or regressed depending on your point of view). And if you ever take the time to read any of those nascent posts it will bring clarity to the fact that Mrs. Sidewalker was my only reader in the early days!
Anyway, all of this introspection has me wondering how do you know when a blog has got "traction"? I did a little research and it seems that one of the metrics that answers this question is found in the comments section after the posts. I found that there is a consensus out there that says when you get a comment that basically outshines the post or a commenter takes your initial concept and elaborates intelligently and constructively on your subject of choice to the point that you are eclipsed, this is a sign that a blog is gaining traction. So I'd like to draw your attention to the comments section after my Shameless Chest Beating post. Check out the comments, can you see one that would qualify for my above statement?
-Luke Sidewalker
-Current balance $18.06
First I was going to answer that I'm too new to know that post. Then I had to go and see and I burst out laughing!
LOL! I get out shined all the darn time! My blog must be ROCKIN'!
hmm note to self: must try to outshine you, or at the very least find a dollar somewhere ;-)
also I sent you an email via your work address (empire)... i need your services!
haha this is the reason i keep coming back to your twitter page and your blog nearly everyday.....because your sense of humor put a smile on my face....great work luke
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