Having taken over 24hrs to get over my outrage posted yesterday, I have some more pleasant news today (from my perspective anyway!). I had my third article published on the FiLife website. The website has some really useful financial tips and tricks mostly delivered in a manner relating to families, life stages and everyday living. To be honest I'm rather flattered that they think my articles bring some value to their readers. When they plucked me from obscurity (true, some may say I'm still there) to write my first article, The Penny is Dead, Long Live the Penny, I thought it was a bit of harmless fun and I welcomed the opportunity with open arms. Then when I was offered another chance at literary immortality with my second article, Dollar Advantage: U.S. Open, I started to have delusions of grandeur.
So tonight everyone, I would like you to take pity on poor Mrs. Sidewalker, as she has to live with a husband who's head has swollen to the size of a small European principality due to the publishing of article number three. It can be viewed by clicking the link below. Enjoy.
A Dollar Found is Worth 67 Cents by Luke Sidewalker
As always comments welcome, good and bad.
-Luke Sidewalker
-Current balance $21.27
Sidewalking in Lichtenstein?
You've recently been to the gorgeous principality of my homeland... so Lichtenstein is the only other principality I can think of - and it's full of bankers even more secretive and dodgy than the Swiss!
You're getting all famous on us?
Famous I think is stretching it a little. Maybe one day.
I just want to be the guy that you talk about at dinner parties saying, "I remember that guy when he only had 14 dollars and sixty-four cents to his name", right after I leave the stage on Letterman!
-Luke Sidewalker
Oh and the Volcanologist obviously majored in Geology and minored (at best) in Geography.
Monaco anyone?!
-Luke Sidewalker
Loved the article. Congrats!! I found a penny at a local convenience store this morning and dropped it into the Penny Fund beside the cash register. Must I now pay tax on that penny and the person that needs it to complete his/her purchase will have to pay tax also on that very same little penny? This is so sad! Your get rich slowly plan may just take 30% longer than you thought it would. I tried to post the comment on FiLife but had a brain burp with the password.
I love this Luke! I have been picking up pennies and according them the traditional "Find a penny, pcik it up-all the day you'll have good luck" mantra for as long as I can remember.
The largest amount I have found was a $20 bill at a time when it was as good as finding a thousand.
The day I kept finding more and more-about 20 cents outside a restaurant-I was giddy-my companion was red-in-the face waiting a little distance away until I was done.
I now keep them in jars-separated from the non-vagrant ones in a special place of honor on the mantle.
Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's great to hear stories of fellow Sidewalkers out there.
Happy hunting, and never be ashamed to bend down and pick up a penny!
Come back soon,
-Luke Sidewalker
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