After the rant/disgust in my last post, I put myself in the cooler for a couple of days! I'm going to keep it brief today as I have to prepare Castle Sidewalker for Halloween.
The other day @TJPrz sent me a very interesting picture if you like coins and like symbols. It can be seen by clicking here. He thought it was a sign and so did I!
Like him it inspired me to go out and buy The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown. I just finished the book last night (no, that's not the reason I haven't posted in a couple of days!). It was a good read, but it was very similar to his other Robert Langdon novels, The DaVinci Code and Angels and Demons.
I found it enjoyable with a wicked twist towards the end that I did not see coming, but I won't spoil that surprise for any of you that haven't read it yet.
Is Dan Brown a great storyteller? Yes definitely (even though it is the same story every time!). Is Dan Brown a great writer? The jury is still out on this one. But I'm no literary genius... obviously!
Have a great weekend...
-Luke Sidewalker
-Current balance $23.54
Thanks for not ruining the ending- I haven't even started reading it yet! That penny is wicked cool. I'd love to know how it was made, and why the person who made it would drop it.
My hubby just bought that book too. I'm guessing he hasn't read that much of it yet because he hasn't even said if he likes it yet.
Have fun decorating today!
I think I'd rather read a book by a great storyteller than a great writer and I really enjoyed The Da Vinci Code.
I loved the coin and would like to know where it was found. There must be a really good yarn behind it.
Just a note, from time to time I do interviews on my blog and if you would consent to be the next victim, I would be honored. If you are interested, please email me at redpinemountain at gmaildotcom.
I'm definitely with the MWofRedPine there. I can happily say that I have got lost many a time in a good story but I have never lost the outside world through a flourish of language alone. Great storytelling rocks, great writing is just an added bonus!
The Reader
Good points all.
I enjoyed the book very much. I just like to stir up the literary juices out there, with the purists siding with the great writers and the romantics going with the great storytellers.
As with all subjective debates we could go on for years. And hopefully we will...
-Luke Sidewalker
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