I have made no secret of the fact in prior posts that the ultimate sidewalker find would be some type of ancient coin. My trip to Europe in search of Roman coins was a bust, so I decided to focus my efforts back on these shores. Where would be a good place to start that search?
After some head scratching my logic (not always the most apt direction) led me to surmise that a good place to find ancient coins would be where Christopher Columbus made landfall here in the New World. Perhaps a few sailors overdid the grog when finally coming ashore after a tortuous trans-Atlantic passage and a few doubloons may have slipped out of their pockets.
It was at this juncture that I discovered the point of landfall for Christopher Columbus is still quite a contentious issue. It appears it was somewhere in the Bahamas, before continuing on to Cuba.
This search is obviously going to take some major funding and with $23 and change in my coffers it may have to wait for some time. I'm thinking needle and haystack when it comes to locating any coinage that traveled to these shores from the Old World aboard The Nina.
That being said, you can see why the value of these old coins is so high. I like to think of myself as a modern day Christopher Columbus exploring the many Sidewalks of America. However, I have made it very easy for any of our future generations that wish to follow in the footsteps of Luke Sidewalker. I have left them my Cash Trail Map hopefully eliminating any guess work. If only Chrissy Columbus had taken the time to log into Google maps...
-Luke Sidewalker
-Current balance $23.59
Thanks. I needed the laugh.
Yeah, funding a trip to the Bahamas might outweigh the possible fortune you'd find.
Just as Columbus, perhaps you can find a benefactor. If I should ever win the lottery, I will be more than happy to be your sponsor.
Anyway, I heard the price of gold is soaring so if you can't find ancient coins, perhaps just elderly ones?
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