The torrent of cash that appeared to be falling from the heavens to the sidewalks in front of me has been reduced to what can only be described as a trickle at best. Since the euphoria of breaking $10.00 only one measly cent has been added to the total. The faucet of free cash has been well and firmly turned off.
I feel I have to address an issue that has been brought to my attention by several skeptics. They have mentioned to me that they think my 1,000th cent find was a plant! To them I say review the video. If you look closely you can see the penny was covered in dust, and if in fact it was a plant (which it wasn't), it would have had to have been planted a very long time ago, and then lay undiscovered long enough to accumulate dust before my re acquaintance with said penny. It's all a bit "magic bullet" really when you think about it. So I suggest to the naysayers never question the integrity of a Sidewalker find. If I used plants I would have more than $10.00 after 18 months!
Staycation update: Still in Holland!
-Luke Sidewalker
-Current balance $10.01
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