As promised yesterday I have a sampling of some the correspondence I received after my Foreign Exchange post. Opening the Sidewalker mail bag is like opening a box of chocolates; you're never quite sure what you're going to get. Thanks for the quote Forrest, and you were spot on as you can see from the selection below.
"Luke, you should put your foreign coins on Ebay. Everything sells on Ebay, over here I saw a 1 pound coin sell for 5 pounds!"
Mr. P.Judges - London, England.
"Hey Sidey, Perhaps you could travel to Germany and spend your Euros in the new gold vending machines they have there as reported in the Daily Telegraph"
Mr. L.J.Stingone - New Jersey, U.S.A.
[LS: That is an interesting article, and a subject I may address at length in a separate post at a later date.]
"Mr. Sidewalker, From the writing of the blog we can safely ascertain you had no formal schooling, however your interpretation of the law as set forth in Step 3 of your procedure is 100% correct. If only we knew who you were and where you lived you would be brought to justice at the earliest opportunity. Expect a visit from your local FBI field team in the not too distant future."
Mr. John C. Dugan, Comptroller of the Currency - Washington D.C., U.S.A.
In other news, we are experiencing some very poor weather in the local area at the moment and I don't foresee finding any money today as I'm housebound. So short of rummaging down the back of my sofa the finding streak appears to be ending today.
-Luke Sidewalker
-Current balance $11.36
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