It's that time of year again when Castle Sidewalker gets shuttered up for a week or so, and we get to deliver our very own brand of havoc on a different location all in the name of family recreation. You may recall a while back; we got inspired to make a trip after reading about the ancient Roman coins found in England that I mentioned in my post European Expedition. Well we pooled some air miles that Mrs. Sidewalker and I had left over from our corporate lives and it's off to jolly old England we shall go. Actually to be more accurate we are flying to England and staying in Wales. It is in this western area of the British Isles that is rumored to be the location of Camelot, the fabled home of King Arthur and the knights of the round table. So if we don't find any coins there's still an outside chance I could find a sword in a lake, or Merlin's hat perhaps.
It's all been rather hectic the last couple of days, making sure all the livestock is penned up (actually it's a wormery, and they have plenty to eat and to be honest it didn't look like they were going to escape in our absence but anyway...) and doing last minute repairs on the Castle roof just in case that hurricane blows through while we are away. Consequently coin finds have been minimal of late but that happens sometimes.
I will try to post as often as possible with updates from Wales but I think we will be in quite a remote place with questionable internet access, so just try to hang with me for the next couple of weeks.
One last thing, in case you were wondering if the artists impression at the top of this post is Castle Sidewalker, I can confirm it is not...
-Luke Sidewalker
-Current balance $18.23
I've finally got around to visiting your blog! I'm one of the 'horde' from Mrs. B's blog. I've been reading your posts and I have to say that I think your blog rocks! I'm def1initely going to keep reading. Enjoy your trip!
My father had a wormery; I wonder if my wife would let me put one in the art studio.
Have fun on your trip.
WOW LS your coming to my homeground...except im in london not wales. Enjoy it none the less.
Thanks for all the good wishes. Have a good week or so.
-Luke Sidewalker
Wormery? I thought you didn't have pets? I can see some nice shots of worms lounging about the house....
Anyway, have a great time!
Lol I never considered the worms as pets. They are working worms, not lap-worms! Their job is to create compost, and they are not allowed in the house funnily enough!
-Luke Sidewalker
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