About a month ago we sent Sidewalker Jr. off on his merry way to start school. I made a little jest about the playgrounds of pre-K being a barren coin-less wasteland. How very wrong I was. Sidewalker Jr. has bagged a modest 60 cents since starting school. Fear not, we did not include that in the Sidewalker Fund total. Although I see him as an angelic little toddler, there is always the chance that when the school gates close he turns into a vicious ruthless gangster. Shaking down his classmates in the dinner line, and running an extortion racket on the substitute teachers.
So with this in mind, all his unsupervised finds at school have been returned the next day in the teacher/parent folder with a note. If his teacher is driving a new sports car by the end of the year, the long finger of suspicion will pointing once again!
To make a short story a little longer, I think it should be noted that Junior Sidewalkers need supervision up until the point that their solo finds can be assumed to have not been originated in any way that my lead to expulsion from school.
-Luke Sidewalker
-Current balance $23.60
You're on gangster alert, lol!
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